We have had lots of feedback from the Neath food & drink festival in the past 10 days. Everybody loved our cheesecake cups and our frangipane mince pies went down a storm. A number of people said how they missed us in Neath and it was nice to talk to many old friends. We took the opportunity to remind people that they can still order their cakes from us either over the internet or by telephone or if they are passing they are more than welcome to call into our unit in Baglan for a visit.
We are working on a new project at the moment with regards to our cheesecakes, so keep reading the blog to find out more news as it is annouced.
In the meantime heres a few pictures of our stall from the day :
and here's a picture of Sian doing what she does best - demonstrating one of her amazing recipes in St.Davids church :
Just remember that "we love to talk cake" so send us through your enquires.